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The store wants to be energy self-sufficient and more ecological

The headquarters of in Prague’s Modřany, where the giant store, warehouse and company facilities are located, will undergo a radical improvement in the coming months. A medium-sized solar power plant will grow on the roofs of the buildings, which will become a very important source of electricity. The new power plant will produce 430 MWh per year, which is a third more than the annual consumption of the company’s entire Modran operations.

The unused part of the energy will be used by companies from the surrounding area as part of the community sharing of electricity. A charger for electric cars will also be part of the project. Investments will require approximately 13 million crowns.

“For many years we have been trying to behave ecologically and reduce our contribution to the pollution of the planet. We are already using energy economically. Thanks to the optimization of operations, we have been able to reduce electricity consumption by twenty percent in recent months. Our efforts to build a solar power plant were accelerated by the energy crisis, and the long-discussed projects were thus given the green light,” describes Kytar technical director Tomáš Novák.

According to him, the construction work, which will begin this spring, is designed in such a way that there will be no major restrictions on the operation of the store. Customers will definitely not feel any restrictions. “We estimate the construction time to be 1 month. Project development and related administrative work will take ten to sixteen months. It is very important which solution will win the tender and which suppliers will finally implement the project,” explains Novák.

Guitars have been environmentally friendly since their inception. Proper sorting of normal waste in all operations is a matter of course for their employees. Sorts paper, plastics, glass, batteries and strings. Packaging materials include cardboard and packaging foil. “We give devices a second chance with repairs in our electrical service, or we extend their service life by servicing and repairing tools. We dispose of electrical waste ecologically, even for our customers. We support smaller ecological projects, we have our own bee colony and our own honey, which we are happy to share with our customers. We plant greenery in our premises,” adds Filip Černý, the company’s marketing director.