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People build less and rush into renovations. It pays to start with the roof

High inflation, a decline in the construction of single-family homes and lower numbers of new mortgage loans granted. This is the reality that construction companies have to deal with. According to the data of the statistical office, family houses have been built for at least the last six years. CNB sources show that the number of new mortgage loans granted is the lowest in the last 10 years. According to the interviewed companies in the construction industry, there is a noticeable shift in people’s thinking. While households process much fewer building permits, the number of renovations, on the other hand, has not decreased at all compared to previous years. According to experts, it pays to start with the reconstruction at the roof. By replacing the roof sheathing, you will ensure that you keep the house dry. If your roof is in good condition, you can start reconstruction even without a building permit. A new roof will also increase the value of your property.

Will it be enough to repair our roof, or is it time for a complete replacement? This is one of the questions that owners of older homes ask themselves from time to time. In most cases, they realize that the good condition of the roof, including the quality of the roofing material and insulation, is critical to protecting the interior from the weather – for example, to keep the house from leaking during summer storms or winter blizzards. A functional roof covering is also an important prevention of possible damage to the roof structure.

“If you feel that the time for repairs and renovations is approaching, it is most important to approach this task with care and expertise. It is true that if you manage to manage the reconstruction at an appropriate level, you will have peace of mind for the next several decades,” says Michal Ponec from the family company Betonpres, which produces concrete roof tiles, and adds tips on what to do to manage everything calmly.

Find out how the roof is doing

The first step before commencing roof renovation is a thorough assessment of the condition of the existing roof. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to carry out only repairs, or whether it is necessary to replace the roof sheathing, or even to repair the roof structure. If you are not completely sure, we recommend that you consult with experts – craftsmen or even a structural engineer. You will get unbiased information about the condition of the roof and you can make a qualified decision on the next course of action.

Quality repair – only with certified professionals

We know that Czech hands are really golden. And we know about a number of repairs and reconstructions that were also successful with self-help. But long-term experience shows that the roof is exactly the type of construction where it is very good to use the help of a specialist, i.e. a quality company or an experienced craftsman with good references. Good carpenters and roofers will offer you guarantees on their work and often prove it with a training certificate from the roofing material manufacturer. You can recognize a quality supplier very quickly by their approach to you and the information they automatically provide you with – for example, ask about the materials the chosen company wants to use and the reasons for this choice. So that it does not happen that the supplier, for example, offers you roofing accessories whose service life does not correspond to the service life of the covering.

“Don’t be afraid to approach at least 2 companies for which you have good references, have price offers prepared and compare them,” advises Michal Ponec and recommends concluding a contract for the work with the selected company or entrepreneur. This will prevent any disputes in the future.

According to him, choosing the right roofing material is also a key factor in roof reconstruction. Don’t be afraid to ask everything you are interested in – a consultation with a professional company can eliminate many ambiguities and potential misunderstandings. What needs to be considered when choosing a material?

·       Life of the materials used

·       Difficulty of laying

·       Difficulty and safety of solving details

·       The quality and durability of accessories and roof accessories

·       Price

What about building permits?

If your roof reconstruction only concerns the replacement of the covering, does not interfere with the supporting structures, and the object to which the reconstruction relates is not in a protected heritage zone, you do not need to deal with obtaining a building permit. Otherwise, you will face an administrative round.

Even during the dismantling and removal of the old roof, you can save if you start this stage of the roof renovation yourself. It works. But here too, please be careful, especially about observing the rules of occupational safety. However, even in this case, the services of an expert can be “priceless”. For example, when removing old asbestos roofing, special regulations apply and you will not need a building removal permit.

Take over the work. And take care of your roof

And now the most beautiful part, your roof shines new. It pays to be cautious at this point too. After completing the roof reconstruction, he will thoroughly check whether all the agreed work has been carried out and all your requirements have been met. Only then proceed to take over the work.

However, your concern about the roof should not end there either. Although of course you have the main thing behind you. You also have to think about prevention, i.e. regular roof maintenance. “A few hours of work during the year can prevent unnecessary problems. Your new roof deserves to be inspected at least once a year and prepared for the coming season. Visually inspect the roof regularly. And remove leaves or other impurities from drainage systems in time,” concludes Ponec.