Residents of the Czech Republic face the greatest financial stress due to rising food and energy prices, low savings or rising housing costs. Part of the population is also bothered by not having enough money for leisure activities. This information results from the current August survey of the Sazka company, in which 1,050 respondents participated.
His goal was to find out how Czechs would manage their money if they succeeded in its Renta number lotteries. The main prize in Extra Rent is a monthly sum of 100,000 crowns or, now, 200,000 CZK for a period of 20 years. In the brand new Mini Renta game, the main prize is 1,000 crowns a day for one year.
More than half of Czechs have problems with creating a financial reserve
When experts asked a sample of the population between the ages of 18 and 65 about their financial situation, they found that people had the biggest problem with savings. 53% of them revealed in the questionnaire that they lack the funds to create a rescue cushion. In other areas, they either do not feel the lack of money or simply refuse to save there.
Czechs spend a tenth of their monthly budget on leisure activities
And what is currently most stressful for the respondents from a financial point of view? Over 57% of them answered that rising food and energy prices or rising housing prices. On the contrary, roughly 10% of respondents live without financial stress. Parts of the population do not like that they do not have enough resources for leisure activities. Roughly 45% of respondents would like to spend more on their free time.
“The survey shows that most Czechs spend around a tenth of their monthly budget on their leisure activities. Spending more than a third of the budget is very exceptional,” describes Martin Eliáš, brand manager of the Sazka lottery.
If people are to evaluate what they spend the most on in their free time, it is 49% on travel, 38% on gastronomy and 35% on culture. Self-care (massage, hairdressing, manicure), sports activities and self-development remain in the background.
Research and travel.
This is what Czechs would most like to spend their money on In the event of a win in Extra Rent, the majority of respondents would not go on a trip around the world, but would rather stay at work and enjoy what they don’t have time or money for. 43.3% would remain in their current job, another 28.6% would change jobs but not stop working, and 14.2% would devote themselves to family.
Sazka was also interested in how people would deal with a Mini Renta win, which provides the winner with 1,000 crowns a day for the whole year. All the age groups addressed would save and travel in the first and second places. However, the third position is different.
“The youngest between the ages of 18 and 26 would go to restaurants more, the targeted people aged 27 to 35 would invest more in themselves (massages, cosmetics) and the third group over 36 would spend more on leisure activities,” concludes Martin Eliáš.
Part of the questions were also devoted to charity and helping others in the event that the respondents succeed in Extra Rent. A third of Czechs would not devote themselves to charity at all, the remaining would focus on charity in the area of children (37%), animals (20.5%) or the environment (10.1%). Aid to refugees was in last place with 0.9%.
Sazka currently offers several types of annuities. The most popular is the Extra Renta number lottery, which brings the opportunity to enjoy 20 years of single life. The main prize is a monthly amount of CZK 100,000 or CZK 200,000 for 20 years (the amount of the main prize depends on the amount of the bet). Bettors guess 7 numbers out of 33. You can win for just 3 guessed numbers. In the new game Mini Renta, which Sazka introduced in August, bettors guess 7 numbers out of 24 and the main prize is 1,000 crowns a day for one year, and you can start playing from as little as 10 CZK.